Days 15 – 20 San Diego, California

Ok so we have given up.


Given up that is, on eating three square meals a day. So we are just snacking every few hours on greasy junk food. We are trying to eat some veggies every now and then to keep our tummys happy. So basically we are walking around in a constant bloated sugar and fat-laden brain haze. You know that feeling after you walk out of a Sizzler restaurant? Its a miracle I can even think straight enough to type on this keyboard.



So for those of you who were wondering:

  1. Taco Bell done
  2. Denny’s done
  3. In n’ out burger done twice
  4. Chik fila done
  5. Wendy’s done
  6. Jack in the Box done

There’s still more food places we’d like to try but we are running out of time and colon space.

We flew out of Freezing San Francisco south about 90mins into warm, sunny San Diego!! Yippee! San Diego is right down the south on the West Coast, right above the border to Mexico. Home of beaches, skateboarding and Switchfoot!  We decided to take our passports with us through security this time!

We are staying in a really cool “tiny house”.


It has a ladder up to a mezzanine level for additional sleeping. Great for that child who has just fractured her humerus and insists on sleeping on the top floor. It is small but the tall ceilings help to make it feel spacious. Gretel has done a stellar job on finding us great accommodation on a limited budget. I knew I married her for some reason….Oh and also not forgetting she has small hands to fit into the pringles container to feed me while we are on road trips.


We went to Sea World San Diego and had a great time with warm sunny weather. We got to see Orcas, Dolphins, Beluga’s and we did quite a few rides! Elise loved the chair swing, she did it 5 times!!


One of the highlights was actually seeing lots of pink flamingos close up. We were actually able to feed them pellets by hand which was amazing.



On the 4th of July we were able to enter the Scripps Ranch 4th of July fun run which was really cool. Andrew ran the 10k and the kids ran the 3 mile. Gretel was amazing and pushed Jasmine on our cheap stroller we bought at Walmart in the little kids fun run. The entire last km of the 10k was awesome. At the start of the run they sang the national anthem and everyone stopped and listened and was respectful which was pretty nice.



Of course, we were only here for the post race feasting! Another run, another free beer tent! But who wants to drink beer after a sweaty 10k?? Slightly disappointed there were no donuts or bagels here but there was some free fruit and beef jerky. We loaded up on a few packets of free teriyaki jerky but soon realised our mistake once we tried some.

Hamish was excited to meet a Lego president!! This guy ran 10k’s with a wooden Lego head on his noggin and carrying that huge flag!!


After the run we stuck around to see the parade through the local streets. It was great to see all the local flavour and patriotism and just soak it all up.



Later that day we went to the nice beach side town of La Jolla (pronounced La-hoya). It is known for its nice houses and cafes and beaches. We were naive to think we could just turn up at lunchtime on the 4th July and get a park and walk to the beach?? ha ha silly us there were no parks to be had within miles and miles! there were eleventy billion people on the beach…and when Americans go to the beach, they camp there for the entire day!!! so different to Aussies!! They bring tents, coolers, bbq’s, food, chairs, beds…its crazy!! Eventually we found a 2 hour park and spent some time swimming in the children’s beach. Complete with seals swimming just further out in the water.


That night we went out to some local 4th July fireworks at the Elite Athletic training facility in Chula Vista. Naturally they invited me to stay there and train as a sponsored athlete but I turned them down….after all I have more commitments with some theme parks. It was a pretty amazing night.


This is us below in our matching fun run shirts ready to go out cause that’s just what you do over here. I’m not sure what’s going on with Hamish’s foot!!


The next day was Legoland so Hamish was giddy with excitement! Or that could have been the cinnamon crunch cereal he had for brekkie. It was great, hot, sunny and lots of fun going on all the rides.


Hamish likes to wear his Aussie hat everyone so that random strangers will yell out “Aussie Aussie Aussie”


The highlight for me was the lego friends forever dance and song show….ha ha ..not really…that was so bad!! A good part of legoland is there’s lots of hands on activities and some rides have lego stations where kids can play with lego while the adults wait in line. Sounds like a good deal. It’s summer holidays here so we have been waiting in plenty of queues but the kids have been really good about it all.



The next day we did a beach day at Coronado beach which is touted as one of the best beaches in Southern California. The sand actually has specks of Gold in it!! True story! Its quite amazing. We started filling our pockets with little flakes of gold until we found out it was just flakes of mica, which is not worth much. Great hot weather again but the water was Freezing. IMG_7242

Poor Jasmine trying to play in the sand with one arm. This was on our last day in San Diego at another beach in La Jolla.

San Diego is a great spot, warm sunny and lots of things to see and do. We wished we could have stayed longer!. On to our last destination, Anaheim, Los Angeles.

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